職 稱
Electronic Engineer 電子工程師
- Develop hardware design independently for exclusive Auto ID products from concept into production.
- Handle EE related failure analysis, root cause diagnosis, and system-level problem solving on products and platforms.
- Verify products based on a test plan and organize, interpret and document test results in detail and logically. Update and modify the test plan if the test method or criterion changes.
- Manage schematic generation, part selection, layout creation, EMC/EMI/ESD strategy, board bring-up, and validation.
- Represent the EE team in meetings with cross-functional Engineering teams. Manage vendors to ensure quality of technical deliverables.
- Upgrade inherent products according to company’s roadmap and the solutions from RMA analysis.
- Develop and modify system level BOMs, and prepare change orders when required.
- Must have a hands-on and solution-oriented mindset.
- Readily expand knowledge to solve the problem at hand.
★ 歡迎從104人力銀行瞭解更多詳細資訊並投遞履歷應徵:https://www.104.com.tw/job/7d1wy?jobsource=cs_2018indexpoc
1. 勞保、健保及新制退休金之提撥
2. 員工團體保險
3. 定期健康檢查
4. 年度國內、外旅遊及不定期員工活動
5. 五一、端午、中秋三節禮金
6. 生日、生育、結婚禮金
7. 員工傷病住院、親屬喪故慰問金
8. 員工(配偶)及子女獎助學金/才藝技能獎勵
9. 托兒津貼
10. 社團活動
11. 模範員工選拔
12. 資深員工獎勵
13. 員工分紅、年終獎金
14. 員工股票選擇權
15. 宜蘭廠區提供健身房及卡拉OK視聽室等設施