職 稱
Technical Writer 技術文件編撰專員
● Develop comprehensive documentation that meets organizational standards.
● Obtain a deep understanding of products and services to explain complex information in a clear and concise content.
● Write user-friendly contents that meets the needs of the target audience.
● Evaluate current content and develop innovative approaches for improvement.
● Research, organize, write and edit new and existing contents. Working closely with related departments to understand project requirement.
● Independently collecting information from SME to develop, organize, write and publish quick start guide, user’s manual, service manual, software manual, spare parts list, ECN, technical note documents, videos for product operation and CD disk with the above documents.
● Maintain the company website, support webpage download manuals, software, driver up to date and publish the release note for the change in the support web page.
★ 歡迎從104人力銀行瞭解更多詳細資訊並投遞履歷應徵:https://www.104.com.tw/job/7qryc?jobsource=cs_2018indexpoc
1. 勞保、健保及新制退休金之提撥
2. 員工團體保險
3. 定期健康檢查
4. 年度國內、外旅遊及不定期員工活動
5. 五一、端午、中秋三節禮金
6. 生日、生育、結婚禮金
7. 員工傷病住院、親屬喪故慰問金
8. 員工(配偶)及子女獎助學金/才藝技能獎勵
9. 托兒津貼
10. 社團活動
11. 模範員工選拔
12. 資深員工獎勵
13. 員工分紅、年終獎金
14. 員工股票選擇權
15. 宜蘭廠區提供健身房及卡拉OK視聽室等設施