Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section


This office is mainly responsible for student-club-related activities. It assists student clubs to develop soundly and provides training programs and activity resources include equipments, locations, funds, and evaluation transactions.

It is expected that members of every club could develop positive attitudes, which mean being passionate, responsible, sacrificial, cooperative, optimistic, gentle, altruistic, and grateful. By participating extracurricular activities, students could improve divers abilities such as to proposal, express, organize, coordinate, communicate, lead, and to solve problems.

By the diverse structures of student clubs and a series of interaction and consultation, students will build up their role orientation and the identity of value between themselves and groups. From this, Tamkang University students will gradually form their whole and mature behavior and personality for the goal to be valuable ones.

SG315 Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium.

Monday - FridayˇG 08:00 - 17:00, 18:00 - 21:00

886-2-2621-5656 Ext. 2220, 2224, 2226
