English Version




淡江大學(以下簡稱本校)基於學生管理、協助學生辦理各項申請、服務、宣導作業以及 校園事件通報等必要工作,必須蒐集、處理或利用您的個人資料時,皆以尊重您的權益 為基礎,並以誠實信用之方式為之。為了保障您的權益及幫助您瞭解本校如何蒐集及使 用您個人資訊,請務必詳細的閱讀本聲明書之各項內容。




辦理學生獎懲、銷過、請假、操行成績、兵役、就學貸款、學產基金、急難救助金、緊 急紓困金、就學優待學雜費減免、弱勢助學金、校內外獎助學金、碩博士班出席國際會 議及競賽經費補助、全校班代表座談會、新生暨家長座談會、新生入學講習、校慶慶祝 大會、畢業典禮、學生團體保險、全校工讀生分配及工讀費發放、導師業務、學生申訴、 法律諮詢服務、校外賃居學生訪視、品德教育宣導、生活教育宣導、交通安全教育宣導、 春暉宣教、保護智慧財產權宣導及網路違規案件處理、校園安全緊急事件處理及通報、 優秀青年選拔表揚、校園與社區服務學習課程、校園遺失物管理等生活輔導相關業務工 作。

三、個人資料之蒐集方式: 透過書面、數位等合法方式取得個人資料。



C001 辨識個人者、C002 辨識財務者、C003 政府資料中之辨識者、C011 個人描述、C012 身體描述、C013  習慣、C014 個性、C021 家庭情形、C023 家庭其他成員之細節、C031 住家及設施、C032 財產、C033 移民情形、C038 職業、C040 意外或其他事故及有關情 形、C041  院、檢察署或其他審判機關或其他程序、C051  學校紀錄、C052 資格或技術、 C056 著作、C057學生()、應考人紀錄、C081 收入、所得、資產與投資、C088  保險 細節、C093 財務交易、C111  健康紀錄、C115  其他裁判及行政處分。



() 個人資料利用之期間: 個人資料蒐集之特定目的存續期間、提供學生校友服務之期間、本校執行業務所必 須之保存期間或依相關法令就資料之保存所訂保存年限。

() 個人資料利用之地區: 台灣地區(包括澎湖、金門及馬祖等地區)、本校締結之海外姊妹校。

() 個人資料利用之對象: 淡江大學、公務機關、非公務機關之財團法人、合作學校、相關委外廠商。

() 個人資料利用之方式:


1.    電子文件、紙本或其他合於當時科技之適當方式。


2.    符合個資法第 20 條規定之利用。

六、您得依個資法規定請求查詢、閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用及請求刪除。您行使上述權利時,須填具申請表並檢具身分證明文件向本校提出申 請。若委託他人辦理,須另出具委託書並同時提供受託人身份證明文件以供核對。 若申請人不符前述規定,本校得請申請人補充資料,以為憑辦。

七、前條停止蒐集、處理、利用或請求刪除個人資料之請求,不得妨礙本校業務執行及依法 所負之義務,受理後於法定期限內為准駁之決定,並將其原因通知請求人。

八、您應確認提供之個人資料,均為真實且正確;如有不實或需變更者,您應立即檢附相關 證明文件送交本校辦理更正。

九、如未提供真實且正確完整之個人資料,導致在學記錄不完全、獎補助及學雜費減免等各 類申請延誤退件、以及在校各項活動參與權受阻、緊急事件無法聯繫等情況,將影響您 的各項權益,請特別注意。


十一、若您對此告知事項之內容有任何疑慮,請聯絡淡江大學學生事務處生活輔導組承辦人周玟妦(022621-5656 221728172263



Notification and Claim On The Collecting, Processing, and Utilization of

Personal Data

Office of Student Affairs, Guidance Section, TKU

Here in Tam Kang University (TKU), to well manage student affairs, assist students in applications, service and promote certain processes, and report campus events, Student Affairs Division needs to collect, process, and utilize your personal data. All the collecting, processing and utilizing are carried out in honest and trustworthy manners based on your rights and best interests. To protect your rights and secure your interests, you need to read carefully to understand how your personal data is collected and utilized. 

A.Office in Charge: Office of Student Affairs, Guidance Section, TKU

B.Purposes of collecting personal data

Personal Data is collected for the following tasks: processing students’ records of Award & Penalty”, expunging demerit records, taking sick leaves, evaluating moral conducts, tracking military services, receiving student loans, applying sponsorships from government and/or industries, making rescues to the urgent, financing the difficulty, waiving tuitions and fees, helping the challenged, qualifying for scholarships, attending international conferences for graduate students, competing in international races or games, participating in seminars of class leaders and new students and their parents, enrolling new students orientation program,  taking part in the celebration of TKU’s birthday, arranging commencement, buying group insurance, allocating work-study hours, distributing payments, receiving guidance from home teacher, appealing to campus justice, getting legal services, visiting students’ residence, promoting the value of morality and good conducts, guiding everyday living, emphasizing the importance in traffic safety, learning care for the elders, protecting intellectual properties, reporting internet violations, recognizing the young and the excellence, taking campus & community service learning courses, handling lost and found cases, and all other living guidance related tasks.

C.Methods of collecting Personal Data

Personal Data are collected with legal methods of written forms and/or digital methods.

D.Types of Personal Data

C001– individual identify; C002– financing individual; C003 –an identifier in Government records; C011 – individual appearance; C012 – individual physical characteristics, 013 –habits;014 – personality; C021– family conditions; C023 – details of family members; C031 residence and facilities; C032 – property; C033 immigration status; C038 – occupation; C040 accident and related incidents; C041– court, district prosecutor office, other judicial offices and all legal procedures; C051 – school records; C052 – qualification and skills; C056 – publications; C057 – students, trainees, contestants records; C081 – income, gains, assets, and investment ; C088 – insurance details; C093 – finance trading ; C111 – health records; C115 –other judgment and administrative penalty.

E.Personal Data handling and utilization

1.The duration of the utilizing Personal Data

The durations of specific purposes, of alumni services, of TKU’S using, and of implementing school operations are specifically set. Data are protected in the durations.

2.Regions where Personal Data are used

Regions of Taiwan, including island districts such as Peng Hu, Kingman, and Ma Tzu and the sister schools of TKU

3.Persons, Authorities, Offices who uses the data

TKU, Public sectors, private foundation, cooperative School, or related outsourcing companies

4.How Personal Data are handled and used

a.Electronic documentation, hard copies, or any proper format using current technologies and fit the needs.

b.All manners are in compliance with Order No. 20 of Personal Data Protection Regulations.

F.To perform searching, reading, reproducing, mending, correcting, and requesting to stop the data collecting, processing, or utilizing and being deleted, you need to comply with the regulation. In order to exercise your rights, an application form needs to be completed with your ID and reasons and submitted to the Student Affairs Division. If the application is done by a third party, a Power-of-attorney is required. If the applicant can’t meet the requirement, the office will request other supplement information for the subject procedure.

1.The above-mentioned requests to stop searching , processing, or utilizing, and/or to delete Personal Data should not hinder the Student Affairs Division from performing her granted obligations, nor strip the Division of her right to accept, or deny the application or notify the applicant.

2.You should confirm on the accuracy of all your data. Provided any action is needed to bring about the accuracy, you should file a request with related information immediately.

3.False or inaccurate data will eventually lead to incomplete records, inabilities of receiving financial aids, waive of fees, being granted with scholarships, acceptances on applications, and participating in any programs/activities on the subject party. Should any emergence occur, the defective student records could also deny the subject students of rights to be rescued.

4.Abided by the Personal Data Protection Law, TKU should answer to the regulating authorities and Institutes of Jurisdiction with information in question

G.Should any question exists, you may contact Office of Student Affairs, Guidance Section, Chou WenFeng with telephone number:022621-5656 ext. 2217,2817, and 2263